Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing: A Guide for Body, Mind and Spirit Crystal healing is an ancient art or technology that has been passed down through countless cultures. How can seemingly inanimate stones...
The Magic of Crystals: What Makes Crystals Unique?
The Timeless Enchantment of Crystals: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Technology The connection between humans and crystals is deep-rooted and goes back thousands of years. From megalithic structures that display...
Connecting with Crystals - Do Stones and Crystals Have Consciousness?
Do stones and crystals have consciousness? This question invites a deep and often philosophical discussion, in which the answers vary depending on your perspective: do you approach it from science,...
11 ways to cleanse your stones and crystals
Many people use crystals to calm their mind, body and soul. Some experience that crystals work on an energetic level, sending out natural vibrations. Crystals travel long distances, from source/mine...
Minerals, stones, crystals, gemstones; what is the difference?
Although the words 'mineral', 'stone', 'crystal' and 'gemstone' are often used interchangeably, they actually imply different structural properties. STONE (ROCK) Stone or rock consists of a fixed combination of different...
Discover the Magic of Phosphosiderite, Green Moonstone, Green Opal, Silicon and Diaspore
Welcome to our enchanting world of jewelry, where beauty and meaning collide. This blog tells you about special pendants with unique properties and healing powers. The properties of phosphosiderite, green...
The healing properties of crystals
Each crystal has an energy field that can interact positively with your own energy field. Crystals exhibit vibrations and each has a unique energy with positive properties. As a result,...